Dozen White Roses Bouquet
Dozen White Roses Bouquet
- Same-Day & Scheduled Delivery Available
Express it with roses and make it special! Show your love, appreciation, and care with a Dozen White Rose bouquet. This flower bouquet elegantly wrapped in black is sure to wow your special someone and leave a lasting impression. The perfect gift to brighten up their day with a bouquet of white roses!
Please note that only the Valentine's Day Bouquets Collection is available for February 11-15 deliveries. Don't wait and pre-order now!
Fresh Flower Care Tips
Fresh Flower Care Tips
- Trim the stems at an angle to allow for better water absorption.
- Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with water.
- Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
- Change the water every 1 to 2 days to prolong the life of the flowers.
Read our Top 10 Fresh Flower Care Tips for more.
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